Unless otherwise specified, the terms of use detailed in this section apply generally when using this Application.

Single or additional conditions of use or access may apply in specific scenarios and in such cases are additionally indicated within this document.

By using this Application, Users confirm to meet the following requirements:

  • There are no restrictions for Users in terms of being Consumers or Business Users;

Account registration

To use the Service Users must register or create a User account, providing all required data or information in a complete and truthful manner. Failure to do so will cause unavailability of the Service.

Users are responsible for keeping their login credentials confidential and safe. For this reason, Users are also required to choose passwords that meet the highest standards of strength permitted by this Application.

By registering, Users agree to be fully responsible for all activities that occur under their username and password. Users are required to immediately and unambiguously inform the Owner via the contact details indicated in this document, if they think their personal information, including but not limited to User accounts, access credentials or personal data, have been violated, unduly disclosed or stolen.

Conditions for account registration

Registration of User accounts on this Application is subject to the conditions outlined below. By registering, Users agree to meet such conditions.

  • Accounts registered by bots or any other automated methods are not permitted.
  • Unless explicitly permitted, a User account may not be shared with other persons.

Account termination

Users can terminate their account and stop using the Service at any time by doing the following:

  • By using the tools provided for account termination on this Application.
  • By directly contacting Podfidant at the contact details provided in this document.

Account suspension and deletion

Podfidant reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend or delete at any time and without notice, User accounts which it deems inappropriate, offensive or in violation of these Terms.

The suspension or deletion of User accounts shall not entitle Users to any claims for compensation, damages or reimbursement.

The suspension or deletion of accounts due to causes attributable to the User does not exempt the User from paying any applicable fees or prices.

Content on this Application

Unless where otherwise specified or clearly recognizable, all content available on this Application is owned or provided by the Owner or its licensors.

Podfidant undertakes its utmost effort to ensure that the content provided on this Application infringes no applicable legal provisions or third-party rights. However, it may not always be possible to achieve such a result. In such cases, without prejudice to any legal prerogatives of Users to enforce their rights, Users are kindly asked to preferably report related complaints using the contact details provided in this document.

Rights regarding content on this Application - “Some-rights-reserved”

Unless where explicitly stated, the following does not apply to any content provided by third-party licensors and available on this Application, such as for instance third-party trademarks, logos, images or the like:

The intellectual property rights for content owned and provided by the Owner are licensed under the following:

You keep full ownership of any of the original content (audio, text, images) that you create and upload to Podfidant.

Unlike other providers, Podfidant won't add ads or sponsorships to your podcast without your permission.

You are free to run your own ads, monetize, and distribute your podcast as you please.

However, you can't upload media that infringes on someone else's intellectual property or proprietary rights. You're not allowed to use any media (audio, text, images) created by someone else if they haven't given you permission. If an intellectual property owner submits a takedown notice to Podfidant (or one of our partners), we will remove the offending material from our site.

Content provided by Users

The Owner allows Users to upload, share or provide their own content to this Application.

By providing content to this Application, Users confirm that they are legally allowed to do so and that they are not infringing any statutory provisions and/or third-party rights.

Further insights regarding acceptable content can be found inside the section of these Terms which detail the acceptable uses.

Rights regarding content provided by Users

Users acknowledge and accept that by providing their own content on this Application they grant the Owner a non-exclusive, fully paid-up and royalty-free license to process such content solely for the operation and maintenance of this Application as contractually required.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, Users waive any moral rights in connection with content they provide to this Application.

Liability for provided content

Users are solely liable for any content they upload, post, share, or provide through this Application. Users acknowledge and accept that the Owner does not filter or moderate such content.

However, the Owner reserves the right to remove, delete, block or rectify such content at its own discretion and to, without prior notice, deny the uploading User access to this Application:

  • if any complaint based on such content is received;
  • if a notice of infringement of intellectual property rights is received;
  • upon order of a public authority; or
  • where the Owner is made aware that the content, while being accessible via this Application, may represent a risk for Users, third parties and/or the availability of the Service.

The removal, deletion, blocking or rectification of content shall not entitle Users that have provided such content or that are liable for it, to any claims for compensation, damages or reimbursement. Users agree to hold the Owner harmless from and against any claim asserted and/or damage suffered due to content they provided to or provided through this Application.

Access to provided content

Content that Users provide to this Application is made available according to the criteria outlined within this section.

Publicly available content

Content meant for public availability shall be automatically made public on this Application upon upload or, at the sole discretion of the Owner, at a later stage.

Any personal data, identifier or any other information that Users upload in connection with such content (such as a User-ID, avatar or nickname etc.) shall also appear in connection with the published content.

Private content

Private content provided by Users shall stay private and will not be shared with any third parties or accessed by the Owner without the User’s explicit consent.

Users may (and are encouraged to) check on this Application to find details of who can access the content they provide.

Access to external resources

Through this Application Users may have access to external resources provided by third parties. Users acknowledge and accept that the Owner has no control over such resources and is therefore not responsible for their content and availability.

Conditions applicable to any resources provided by third parties, including those applicable to any possible grant of rights in content, result from each such third parties’ terms and conditions or, in the absence of those, applicable statutory law.